Before this word of life, Jesus said: “Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately. Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them. And if he should come in the middle of the night or toward daybreak and find them so, blessed are those servants.” (v.35-38)
Jesus then emphasizes: “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (v.40)
Here Jesus uses a parable from ordinary life, exhorting us to be always ready for the moment of death, because we do not know when it will come for each of us. One thing is certain, it will come, and no one can avoid or escape it. Therefore, true wisdom is to obey the Lord Jesus and His counsel given to each of us, namely to be ready every day, because eternity is at stake, eternal life is at stake! There is a danger of losing it. This is a most serious matter that also concerns each one of us. True wisdom is to remember the end, remember our death, God’s judgment and eternity. He who belittles this shows himself to be either supremely unwise or in deep spiritual darkness, bordering on wickedness. He does not want to admit the most basic reality or even mocks this most certain truth. Whoever does so, let him realize that those who laughed in this way, trembled with terror when dying, with the sweat of death on their foreheads, and terror coming out of their eyes and voice. Most of them, however, were too late to be converted, because they had lived their whole lives in conscious obstinacy. They rejected the most basic reality, the truth of life, namely that life would end one day. They did not seek God or the true meaning of their lives. The purpose of life is not to eat, drink and sleep, to accumulate things or to pursue a career. The purpose of life is to seek the truth and care about the salvation of our immortal soul. With this goal in mind, then, we need to draw further information from the Gospel of Christ to show us how wisely we are to arrange this short life of ours, which is only a test to gain eternal life. It is essential to turn from the spirit of the world and accept Christ and His Gospel, and to walk in that light in the midst of the darkness, lies and evil that affect man. The goal is to follow Christ, to unite with Him in our life, our suffering and our death. Then we will be united with Him for all eternity in the glory of God.
Is a return to the Latin liturgy a condition
for the renewal of the Church represented by Archbishop Viganò?
Bergoglio’s synodal journey culminates in his proclamation of new paradigms and a new sodomite pseudo-gospel in Fiducia supplicans. Half a year later, Bergoglio takes another step – a show trial of the true Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. The result of the show trial is null and void. On 28 June 2024, Archbishop Viganò issued his public statement in response to the show trial. He did not appear after being summoned to the so-called court, nor did he send any defence; on the contrary, he clearly announced that he did not recognize this false authority. He confirmed his stance in his public statement: 1) Bergoglio is a manifest heretic and an invalid pope; therefore he does not and cannot recognize him as pope. 2) He accused Bergoglio of usurping the papal office and expressed the necessity of his deposition. 3) He accused Bergoglio of crimes against humanity by promoting mass experimental mRNA vaccination. 4) He pointed to Bergoglio’s direct participation in Masonic anti-Christian and anti-human projects.
In his statement, Archbishop Viganò also strongly pointed out that the catastrophic situation into which Bergoglio has led the Church has its roots in the Second Vatican Council. After 60 years, its fruits are visible to all. Specifically, the Council opened the door to contemporary neo-paganism through the heresy of syncretism. The declaration Nostra aetate established reverence for pagan cults, de facto their demons. The Council also revived and privileged the heresy of modernism, condemned by St Pius X. It opened the Church to the spirit of the world under the slogan of aggiornamento instead of to the spirit of repentance. With its ambiguous vocabulary, the Council gave room for the mass spread of heresies.
Archbishop Viganò shows that a new entity, the so-called post-conciliar and synodal church with heretical teachings and the spirit of the world, headed by Jorge Bergoglio, is now parasitic on the Church of Christ. This anti-church is the opposite of Christ’s Church.
Archbishop Vigano’s statement has shed light for many Catholics to realize who Jorge Bergoglio is. At the same time, however, his statement revealed that among the traditionalists there were activists who acted as opponents of Bergoglio’s pseudo-reforms, but in a moment of crisis radically opposed the Church of Christ by defending the manifest heretic as if he were a valid pope. They demagogically condemn the faithful Catholic Archbishop. Among them are the historian Roberto de Mattei, Bishop Schneider, and others. We ask these followers of the false pope: What about the First Vatican Council and the dogma of papal infallibility? If Bergoglio is the rightful pope, then according to dogma he is infallible in matters of faith and morals. However, he has changed the paradigms, legalized the sin of sodomy, and moreover ordered its blessing. Is he still infallible? Then it follows that God, all of Scripture, and all of Tradition is fallible!
We ask these traditionalists: What is the point of emphasizing the traditional liturgy while submitting to the public apostate Bergoglio, who cancels the basic truths of faith and morals and introduces a new teaching, that is, an anti-gospel with the spirit of antichrist?
Archbishop Viganò clearly deduces from Holy Scripture and Church Tradition that a manifest heretic cannot be pope. Whoever claims that he can continue to be the pope and that he is, is obliged to obey him, which means opposing the Gospel of Christ and God the Creator and rushing blindly to eternal destruction.
Currently, the discussion about returning to the Latin, i.e. traditional, liturgy is becoming topical. Why does Archbishop Viganò emphasize the traditional Latin liturgy? Because it is linked to the tradition of doctrine, to Christian morality, and to the practice of life. Its basis is the path of repentance, or change of mind: from the selfish mind to the mind that was in Jesus: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Phi 2:5f) Therefore, everyone must strive for the Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9), and the first prerequisite is to resist the spirit of this world.
Let us assume that the African bishops who do not recognize Fiducia supplicans would also separate themselves from subordination to Bergoglio. Subsequently, they would recognize Archbishop Viganò, who now publicly represents the true Church of Christ, as a proper pope. Other true Catholic bishops and priests could then join this official Church of Christ. The question arises: What liturgy should they celebrate? Is it a condition that the Latin liturgy must be introduced everywhere? We do not believe that this condition is necessary. Perhaps all that would be needed would be a modification of the existing liturgy, which has been celebrated for 60 years, and a modification of the liturgical space. How? The position of the priest during the liturgy should be changed to the traditional one, to the one that has been used in the Eastern Church and in the Latin liturgy, that is, not facing the people, but together with the people facing the centre, i.e. God in the tabernacle.
Today, everything must be sacrificed for the sake of substance, for the inner renewal of the Catholic soul. The Catholic faithful need to be guided to incorporate a daily routine of prayer into their personal life, at least one hour of prayer a day. Persons consecrated to God should give God at least a tithe of their time, that is, 2.5 hours a day.
It is also necessary for every Catholic to understand the essence of the liturgy and try to experience it, whether it is the Latin liturgy or the contemporary Mass or the liturgy of St John Chrysostom for Eastern Catholics.
What is the essence of the holy liturgy? The essence is the Consecration, during which Christ’s redemptive sacrifice of the cross is made spiritually present. What is necessary for the Consecration to be valid? A priest must be properly ordained; however, if he has embraced Bergoglio’s sodomite anti-gospel and thus the spirit of the antichrist, he consecrates invalidly.
Can a priest who is in grave sin consecrate validly? He can, but he eats and drinks condemnation to himself. He must repent as soon as possible, for both bishop and priest may be eternally condemned if they delay repentance.
Silence before the Consecration and a short adoration of about three to five minutes after the Consecration can help both the priest and the faithful experience more deeply the essence of the holy liturgy, namely the making present of Christ’s death on the altar. This can be applied to the Latin liturgy, the contemporary liturgy or the Eastern liturgy.
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
We commit ourselves to the Divine Will of our Heavenly Father and dedicate our lives in service to our Lord and Savior, our most Holy Mother; with St. Michael our Warrior and Standard; with St.Joseph our Model and Guide; we promise to uphold and defend the True Dogmas, Doctrines and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Apostolate of the Order of Our Lady in which we the Christian Faithful, made up of Clerics, Religious and Laity - together - endeavor to foster public worship and promote Traditional Christian Doctrine, exclusively through the offering of the Tridentine Sacrifice of the Mass; to exercise other Apostolic works; offer ourselves as victim Souls given to a life of Penance, Prayer, Reparation and Adoration, to atone for the horrible Crime of Abortion, to evangelize through example, piety and charity and to animate the temporal order with a vibrant Christian spirit.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attentive unto the prayer that is made in this place. The Glory of God manifests itself at all times and in all places!
All of Creation cries out for repentance!
The Traditional Tridentine Mass is offered 7 days a week, Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation , the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is at 10:00 AM. Regular weekday Masses are at 10:00 AM., Mass at special times are announced beforehand.
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Hour of Reparation offered after Mass on the first Sunday of every month and after 1st Friday Mass.
The holy Rosary will be prayed before every Sunday Mass.
Confession by request before every Mass.
During the Lenten season the Stations of the Cross are offered after Sunday Mass
and Fridays during lent following the 10:00 AM Mass.
Proper Dress Code strictly enforced.
Men should dress neatly, dress shirts and pants; No t-shirts or jeans; no tennis shoes.
Women should wear head covering; dresses should be modest and to below the knees; No pants or jeans or low cut tops.
Children should by seated with and cared for by parents or responsible adults.
Thank You in advance for your cooperation.
We Survive strictly on Donations with no financial support from the Diocese and have few amenities to offer at this point.
Since we are struggling to survive, we are not yet able to afford Insurance coverage for the buildings, property or visitors. We are not able to cover personal accidents on the property.
Our Needs are many:
We are desperately in need of donations for a new Well, to replace a 25yr. old well gone bad; for a new 4 wheel drive truck, to replace a 17 yr. old truck - the only vehicle still in use on the property today; to repair hurricane damage to the Hermitage house itself and to finish construction of the rooms inside.
We need to repair the old tractor for the upkeep of the property.
We also seek donations to build a proper Chapel to replace the temporary garage Chapel in use today.
Please make donations out to
The Order of Our Lady, Warriors of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Fr. Robert Pensenstadler
P.O.Box 806, Paisley, Fla. 32767
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